Saturday, May 30

Just ONE garage sale!

Join the fun over at Rhoda's to see what everyone found on Today's Thrifty Treasures!

I wasn’t planning to go garage saling on Saturday. BUT, on the way to my daughter’s house to pick up some yard tools I stopped at just one sale. Just one. Look at all of the pretty things I found there!

Garage sale doll house 007 Garage sale doll house 006

Okay, I know you can see it! The doll house! It belonged to the girl who was having the sale. She said her father made it for her when she was a child. Her mother had been keeping it for her grandchildren but they got tired of waiting I guess? I’m so glad! I had a doll house when I was a little girl too. I’m saving this one for MY future grandchildren! For now I’m just going to have fun fixing it up!

Just look at all of the pretty details!

Garage sale doll house 001 Garage sale doll house 002 Garage sale doll house 008

Love the porch, the railing and the blue shutters! The windows have real glass in them too!

Look at the little transom over the front door!

Garage sale doll house 009

Aren’t these little window boxes cute? They even have flowers in them!

The house does need some work, as most older homes do…

Garage sale doll house 012 Garage sale doll house 016Garage sale doll house 014

The living room carpet needs to be vacuumed. The stairs have no railing – not up to code. Plus there are wallpaper issues…

Garage sale doll house 017 Garage sale doll house 015

There is even crown molding and chair railing. The house has no plumbing so I won’t have to worry about that!

I’m going to have such a good time restoring this little cottage! There’s nothing a little imagination and hard work can’t fix though. I’m sure it won’t take as long or cost as much at the 1920 bungalow I had in Sanford, FL!

Garage sale doll house 018

There is even a deck off the upstairs master bedroom! How fun is that?!

Hope you have a good day today. I’m so glad I decided to stop at this sale! You just never know what you might find out there!

Blessings, Kathi

Recap: dollhouse $15, four blue Ball jars $1, four curtains $1, Wedgewood floral plate 25 cents, two wooden boxes 50 cents, white basket 10 cents, big wooden box filled with handmade blocks $1 (not pictured), wooden recipe box with pretty flowers 25 cents, blue and white ceramic pot 50 cents, small rhinestone brooch 10 cents, small mirror 10 cents, heavy glass vase 10 cents. I did good!

Wednesday, May 27

Lamps – Old and New

I’m joining Nester’s Lampalooza Party at


Here’s an old lamp that I’ve had for years. It was made by my grandfather. The little spinning wheel turns when the peddle is pushed up and down just like a real spinning wheel! He made two of these lamps. I’m so glad that I have this one!

Lampalooza 010 Lampalooza 005

I wonder if grandpa used this pattern when he made the lamp?

delta projects book no. 452 delta projects lamp

I think mine needs a new shade. Or maybe I’ll cover the shade that I have? Something like this might look pretty?

Lakes Lampshades Lake Lampshades

Photos from Lake’s Lampshades

Now for my “new” lamp! I found it on the back of a shelf at the Habitat Store here in Birmingham!

It was $1.00 and it works too! Reminds me of a Hobbit House. Isn’t it cute?!

Lampalooza 004

Look at all of the darling little details!

Lampalooza 007 Lampalooza 008

Front Back

Should I paint it to brighten up the colors? What kind of shade should I use? I love it! Love the mushroom roof, the little chimney, the windows and the little steps leading up to the front and back doors! I have no idea where it came from but I am so glad I found it! I’ve never seen anything like this, have you?

Hope you enjoyed my little lamps. Don’t forget to check out all of the other posts too!

Blessings, Kathi

Enjoying the present

I came across this article this morning and thought I would share it with you.  I am a certified multi-tasker but also am learning how to slow down and really enjoy what I’m doing at the moment.  I can certainly use more practice though!

From Beyond Blue by Leo Babauta

“How to Be Mindful”

1. Do one thing at a time. Single-task, don’t multi-task. When you’re pouring water, just pour water. When you’re eating, just eat. When you’re bathing, just bathe. Don’t try to knock off a few tasks while eating or bathing or driving. Zen proverb: “When walking, walk. When eating, eat.”

2. Do it slowly and deliberately. You can do one task at a time, but also rush that task. Instead, take your time, and move slowly. Make your actions deliberate, not rushed and random. It takes practice, but it helps you focus on the task.

3. Do less. If you do less, you can do those things more slowly, more completely and with more concentration. If you fill your day with tasks, you will be rushing from one thing to the next without stopping to think about what you do. But you’re busy and you can’t possibly do less, right? You can. I’ve done it, and so have many busy people. It’s a matter of figuring out what’s important, and letting go of what’s not.

4. Put space between things. Related to the “Do less” rule, but it’s a way of managing your schedule so that you always have time to complete each task. Don’t schedule things close together — instead, leave room between things on your schedule. That gives you a more relaxed schedule, and leaves space in case one task takes longer than you planned.

5. Spend at least 5 minutes each day doing nothing. Just sit in silence. Become aware of your thoughts. Focus on your breathing. Notice the world around you. Become comfortable with the silence and stillness. It’ll do you a world of good — and just takes 5 minutes!

6. Stop worrying about the future - focus on the present. Become more aware of your thinking — are you constantly worrying about the future? Learn to recognize when you’re doing this, and then practice bringing yourself back to the present. Just focus on what you’re doing, right now. Enjoy the present moment.

7. When you’re talking to someone, be present. How many of us have spent time with someone but have been thinking about what we need to do in the future? Or thinking about what we want to say next, instead of really listening to that person? Instead, focus on being present, on really listening, on really enjoying your time with that person.

8. Eat slowly and savor your food. Food can be crammed down our throats in a rush, but where’s the joy in that? Savor each bite, slowly, and really get the most out of your food. Interestingly, you’ll eat less this way, and digest your food better as well.

9. Live slowly and savor your life. Just as you would savor your food by eating it more slowly, do everything this way — slow down and savor each and every moment. As I type this, for example, I have my 3-year-old daughter, Noelle, on my lap. She’s just sitting here quietly, as the rain pours down in a hush outside. What a lovely moment. In fact, I’m going to take a few minutes off just to be with her now. Be right back. :)

10. Make cleaning and cooking become meditation. Cooking and cleaning are often seen as drudgery, but actually they are both great ways to practice mindfulness, and can be great rituals performed each day. If cooking and cleaning seem like boring chores to you, try doing them as a form of meditation. Put your entire mind into those tasks, concentrate, and do them slowly and completely. It could change your entire day (as well as leave you with a cleaner house).

Being present is undoubtedly the only way to enjoy life to the fullest. By being mindful, you enjoy your food more, you enjoy friends and family more, you enjoy anything you’re doing more. Anything. Even things you might think are drudgery or boring, such as housework, can be amazing if you are truly present. Try it — wash dishes or sweep or cook, and remain fully present. It takes practice, but it’s incredible.”

So now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get another cup of coffee, let the dogs out, turn on the iron, grab something to wear to work, write a note to remind myself to take my friend’s birthday present and the coffee creamer to the office, take out the trash, open the drapes, make my bed, unload the dishwasher and jump in the shower!

Hope you have a beautiful day!  Relax. “Time you enjoyed wasting, is not time wasted.”  T.S. Elliott

pink roses 

Blessings, Kathi

Monday, May 25


sanford 586px-Tomb_of_the_Unknown_Soldier_8


Let us not forget those who sacrificed all for this beautiful country.

Remember those who are serving us now to protect our freedom. Pray for those who have come home but who are not the same. For those young men and women who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. Their lives will never be the same because of their service for us.


We salute the members of our armed forces, past and present,for giving us the gift of freedom.

Thank you Kris for serving our country and to all of your buddies out there on the Maryland now!

Blessings,  Kathi

Sunday, May 24


firefly Gail Shumway Getty Images

Gail Schumway Getty Images

You just know summer has arrived when you begin to see little lights blinking in your back yard in the evening… It’s firefly season!

These little bugs are so much fun to watch as they dart around daring you to try to catch them!
As a child I remember putting them in glass jars so I could watch them up close. It’s really hard to get a photograph of one! If you do catch one, please let it go. Seems they too are endangered.


National Geographic

I love watching them twinkle! If you want to know how they do it, check out this site:

Or you can read this cute little book! All About Bugs by Houghton Mifflin, illustrations by Leslie Harrington.

fireflies All About Bugs Houghton Mifflin

Hope you have time to sit outside and relax this evening. See if you can see any lightening bugs winking at you! It’s the little things that make life special.

Blessings, Kathi

Saturday, May 23

My Thoughts on Psalm 23

My Father walks before me leading the way.
He gives me everything I need in His time.
He quiets the storms. Makes rainbows from my tears.
He puts flowers in my path
and the song of the birds in my mornings

Even as I stumble along the way
sometimes falling headlong into trouble
His hand is there when I reach out for Him.
But more than that,
even when I can't or won't reach out,
even when I can't find my way,
still He is there guiding me.

When I have lost all hope,
given up on everything I trusted in before
He gives me the courage to try again.
I have seen His faithfulness
over and over again and again.

He knows how fragile
and how vulnerable I am
Then instead of giving me
what I deserve
He gives me the gift
of true love.
Blessings, Kathi

My first Ebay purchase

I’ve been using old cookie tins to store my crackers, chips and cookies to keep them from getting stale.

I was on the hunt around here for an antique bread box. I love their character and vintage look. Couldn’t find one locally so I decided I would check on Ebay.

I found a pretty breadbox and placed a bid. I had to wait for 4 days to see if I got it. There were two others interested so I wasn’t sure I would win, but I did! Got it for $9.99.

Here’s it is – it arrived today!

front garden 016

It’s really pretty and in great shape! Love the yellow daisies too! Now I have a pretty place to store my goodies…

Have you “won” anything on Ebay?

Blessings, Kathi

Friday, May 22

Computer problem…


Is anyone else having trouble with Internet Explorer?

I’m getting this error message frequently when I try to connect to some of my favorite blogs.

Very frustrating!  Any ideas on how to fix this!!!?

Wednesday, May 20

Ya’ll ain’t from around here, are you?

I’ve been asked that many times since I moved here to Birmingham, Alabama. Just yesterday a lady asked me if I was from Ohio. Well I did grow up in Ohio but spent the majority of my life in the Florida. Florida is NOT the south. It may be well south of Alabama, but it is definitely not the SOUTH!

I have really been trying to fit in here but I guess I still don’t talk the talk. They speak a different language here. Somehow everyone seems to know I’m just a damn Yankee. Some things don’t change. Not here anyway.

I have met some really refined southern ladies who have such beauty and grace. They are so classy, well dressed and well spoken. I can imagine them sitting on a veranda sipping mint juleps in the summertime wearing big hats and long beautiful dresses. To me, they are the true southerners.

The girls I work with however, seems to come from a another place. When they get together I hear these phrases everyday. If I put some of those phrases into a little conversation this is how it would go -

“Where you at? I’m fixin’ to go mix up a mess of fish. Ya’ll can come on if you want. No, not now, this evening. (anytime after 12 noon) Ya’ll can bring the young-uns too ifin you like. If they don’t behave I’ll hafta holler at them. Tell them to say Yes m’amm and No sir if they know what’s good for them.

We’ll have a good time just a piddlin’. If Johnny comes I’ll be madder than a wet hen. He don’t know a rat’s behind from a hole in the ground. I used to could like him but I liked to died when he tried to gimme some sugar that day… you remember doncha?

Now ya’ll be careful, ya here? You member how to git here? Just take that turn right after the big hill, you’ll see the sign where the old Chevy dealer usta be. My daddy got all his cars from that place, sad to see it gone… anyways, ya’ll come on. Kiss that baby for me. I can’t wait to pinch those fat little legs and get me some sugar! Momma loves her sugar…

Oh, and granny’s making her tater salad and slaw so we’ll have plenty to eat. Aunt Jessie’s bringin’ her peach cobbler too. Sure hope Jimmy don’t eat it all fore you git here. Hurry on now. We’ll be waitin’!

Be careful now sweetie, ya here?”

They always say “be careful.” I’m not really sure what it is they want me to be careful about but they always say that. Everyone is a “sweetie", a “darlin” and “precious.” Kinda makes you feel loved, don’t it?


Well, just bless your little heart sweetheart!


I'm joining the ranks of the B’ham girls! Everyone I see is wearing these Yellow Box sandals. I had to get some too!

I bought two pairs last weekend on sale at Belks for $19 each. They are the so cute and really comfortable too. Wish I could wear them to work!


Then I found these online this morning….


Aren’t they cute? You can get different ribbons to match your outfit too! They look comfy, don’t they?

I’m not really a “shoe person” but I just might become one! I need to clean out the floor of my closet to make room for more!

Must get a pretty pedicure too. . .


I’m playing hookey today so I can get outside and enjoy the sunshine and dig in the dirt. I’ll be wearing my tired old Crocs today.

Time to slip off the fuzzy slippers and get to work! What’s on your feet today?

Blessings, Kathi

Sunday, May 17

What’s up with this!?


I visited the garden center at Lowe’s yesterday. Don’t you just love their commercial where the flowers are flowing down the street?

Well, I WAS going to go outside today and work in my yard. I bought roses, astible, marigolds, and purple salvia plants. Plus sunflower, zinnia, hollyhock and morning glory seeds.

burpee sunflowers

I’m imagining the beginnings of a beautiful cottage garden by my front door. Unfortunately, the weather today is not cooperating. Guess I’ll just have to “be sick” one day this week. When things warm up and dry up, I’ll go out dig and in the dirt. (shhhh, don’t tell my boss!)

What I really would like to do is get rid of these huge stumps out there! I whacked them down in the fall but they just won’t die!

Who will help remove

They are even leafing out again - how dare they?!

Anyway, I’m not going to let them stop me from having my flowers! No rain or storms or nasty stumps can stop this girl from having her garden!

It just might have to wait a day or two. . .

front garden 004

Blessings, Kathi


I lived in Orlando Florida way back when Walt Disney arrived with his magical dream.  When Disney World finally opened we were some of the first to visit.  It truly is a wonderful place!

cinderella's castle

Things have changed since those early days when an entire family of five could visit for about the cost of one ticket now.  Ice cream cones, Cokes, hot dogs and popcorn were 50 cents back then!

An entire book of tickets was $4.75!

 seven adventure ticket book

E tickets allowed you in to the best of the best.

E ticket

We found that we could go there often to spend a day without saving for an entire year.  It became a family tradition to go on New Year’s Eve for the fireworks (which are awesome!) and then go back on New Year’s Day for more fun.

Walt Disney World is so different in the day and night.  Every evening the place just explodes with lights and sounds and color.  There are fireworks every evening too.  Christmas time is especially beautiful.

cinderella's castle at night

Cinderella’s castle is amazing.  From afar it is beautiful but just wait until you go inside!

cinderella's castle stained glass

Stained glass galore!

cinderella's castle mosaic

Gorgeous mosaics!

suite in cinderella's castle

One of the suites where you can stay!

We lived close enough to go home for the night, but wouldn’t it be lovely to stay there!  There are so many other things to see and do too.


I’m just thinking about Cinderella today since I found this beautiful clock that I might just have to have…

At “five easy payments of $49,” I would like this in my living room to remember all of the wonderful times we had at “Disney.”

bradford exchange cuckoo clock

Hope you keep a song in your heart today.  I’m still waiting for my prince!

“It’s a small world after all!”

Blessings,  Kathi

photos from around the web